Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sweet Handicap

Last weekend I played softball. It must sound mundane for some but it was really my first time. So it was something special. And aside from that I also had a realization. I felt like I've just unearthed a real jewel.

It's been a long time since I tried something new in my life. For the past year I'd been playing it safe to avoid rocking the boat. I was too scared to lose the good things that I was experiencing/had. Little did I know that it narrowed my horizon. It had confined me to an isolated world only few people dare to cross.

Anyway I guess it's never too late to explore the world..


I was intending to write about my body pain but I don't know how to insert it here so it'll just go like this.

The softball I mentioned I just tried made me so blissful. Trying new things never fail to amaze me. I am in pain literally.

In our PE Class I played as the pitcher for the team. I didn't know that it is a big role in the game. I was like groping in the dark. I even didn't know the rules of the game but I was grateful to play. They had confidence in me for reasons I don't know. I did my best. After that I was still not satisfied & I joined other classes playing volleyball. I tired myself out until I was totally drained of energy.

so when I got back to work this Monday I've been in pain all over.

woah! Even getting up from my seat becomes so laborious. I feel like an old hag suffering from arthritis & different illnesses. My manager even thought I have some serious illness when she saw me holding onto the wall, doors & windows treading the hallway. [hahaha]

This may be really painful but it is outweighed by the satisfaction I got. Next time I'll play I will not forget to do stretching & warm up!

1 comment:

Mga sumabay sa aking byahe