Thursday, December 10, 2009

Writing in Techie World

Hmmm...At first glance...what would the picture mean to you?? What does it say?
Has it ever occured to you that what this picture depicts is inevitable in our modern techie world. Even for some writers.
I've been a contributor to my school publication/newspaper (although I'm not that really good). Ive experienced even for a short while how other writers feel. How their freedom of expression are suppressed. How they have smoothly adapted to the new world that computers are creating. We have gardually been relying with word doc, word pad, computer, keyboard. We have been missing the real menaing of writing. Yes! I am included there. I've been too lazy to inscribe words & express myself through the use of a pen. I'd rather prefer seeing the blinking cursor wink at me when everything is blank. I have forgotten that WRITING as in holding a pen & scratching it against a surface is still the best way of 'writing". Seeing your penmanship even if it's not legible sometimes expresses who you really are when you write. The feelings incorporated with it & the sentiments accompanying it. I remember writing this short letter-styled story in computer for our school's literary folio. While I was doing it I was like crying......the emotion flows within me like a river. And I've even included "that" there. But I've thought to put some font style on it. Like the faded & blurred letters from tears or something wet to give more emphasis to the emotion. Yeah. I've tried to look for that style in the computer but there was none.
Computers do make our life convenient & help us in many ways but it can never replace the hands that we use. The hands that do the "dirty" work.
Write (verb) - to form (as words) by inscribing the characters or symbols of on a surface

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